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This article was originally published in the Summer 2008 issue of Methods & Tools

Acceptance TDD Explained - Part 10

Lasse Koskela

Continuous planning

Although an iteration should ideally be an autonomous, closed system that includes everything necessary to meet the iteration’s goal, it is often necessary—and useful—to prepare for the next iteration during the previous one by allocating some amount of time for pre-iteration planning activities. Otherwise, we’d have long-lasting planning meetings, and you’re probably not any more a friend of long-lasting meetings than I am. Suggestions regarding the time we should allocate for this continuous planning range from 10–15% of the team’s total time available during the iteration. As usual, it’s good to start with something that has worked for others and, once we’ve got some experience doing things that way, begin zeroing in on a number that seems to work best in our particular context.

In practice, these pre-iteration planning activities might involve going through the backlog of user stories, identifying stories that are most likely to get scheduled for the next iteration, identifying stories that have been rendered obsolete, and so forth. This ongoing pre-iteration planning is also the context in which we carry out the writing of user stories and, to some extent, the writing of the first acceptance tests. The rationale here is to be prepared for the next iteration’s beginning when the backlog of stories is put on the table. At that point, the better we know our backlog, the more smoothly the planning session goes, and the faster we get back to work, crunching out valuable functionality for our customer.

By writing, estimating, splitting if necessary, and prioritizing user stories before the planning meeting, we ensure quick and productive planning meetings and are able to get back to delivering valuable features sooner.

When do we write acceptance tests?

It would be nice if we had all acceptance tests implemented (and failing) before we start implementing the production code. That is often not a realistic scenario, however, because tests require effort as well—they don’t just appear from thin air—and investing our time in implementing the complete set of acceptance tests up front doesn’t make any more sense than big up-front design does in the larger scale. It is much more efficient to implement acceptance tests as we go, user story by user story.

Teams that have dedicated testing personnel can have the testing engineers work together with the customer to make acceptance tests executable while developers start implementing the functionality for the stories. I’d hazard a guess that most teams, however, are much more homogeneous in this regard and participate in writing and implementing acceptance tests together, with nobody designated as "the acceptance test guy."

The process is largely dependent on the availability of the customer and the test and software engineers. If your customer is only onsite for a few days in the beginning of each iteration, you probably need to do some trade-offs in order to make the most out of those few days and defer work that can be deferred until after the customer is no longer available. Similarly, somebody has to write code, and it’s likely not the customer who’ll do that; software and test engineers need to be involved at some point.

We start from those stories we’ll be working on first, of course, and implement the user story in parallel with automating the acceptance tests that we’ll use to verify our work. And, if at all possible, we avoid having the same person implement the tests and the production code in order to minimize our risk of human nature playing its tricks on us.

Again, we want to keep an eye on putting too much up-front effort in automating our acceptance tests—we might end up with a huge bunch of tests but no working software. It’s much better to proceed in small steps, delivering one story at a time. No matter how valuable our acceptance tests are to us, their value to the customer is negligible without the associated functionality.

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