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Methods & Tools - News, Facts & Comments Edition - April 2007
*** News ***************************************************************
Safe Coding
The SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Institute announces the first secure coding assessment and certification exams for programmers. Programming professionals can test their secure coding skills, find the gaps, and, if they choose, gain certified status. The examinations each cover a specific programming language suite. They are designed to enable reliable measurements of technical proficiency and expertise in identifying and correcting the common programming errors that lead to security vulnerabilities. The exams will be administered in August in Washington DC on a pilot basis, and then will roll out worldwide through the remainder of 2007. The first tests are already available on the Web for the C and Java languages.
Security is surely one of the most neglected area of the software engineering discipline. The security model of a new application is often treated as last-minute activity after the functional requirements have been defined. Only companies operating in more sensible industries (banking for instance) have a more pro-active approach to this topic. Now with the increased openness of the Internet world and the wide usage of open source code mainly based on interpreted languages, the possible vulnerabilities of applications have increased. Identifying possible security threads and applying programming best practices to prevent common coding mistakes is a goal that every Internet programmer should have.
Getting Rich with Rich Interfaces
At the end of March, Microsoft announced that it had joined the OpenAjax Alliance. The OpenAjax Alliance is an organisation of vendors, open source projects and companies using Ajax that are dedicated to the successful adoption of open and interoperable Ajax-based Web technologies. The prime objective is to accelerate customer success with Ajax by promoting a customer's ability to mix and match solutions from Ajax technology providers. The OpenAjax Hub project is aiming at this goal. The OpenAjax Hub is a set of standard JavaScript functionality defined by the OpenAjax Alliance that addresses important interoperability issues that arise when multiple Ajax libraries are used within the same Web page.
Microsoft joins the more than 70 member of the Alliance one year after its foundation. The motivations for this action could be multiple. First Microsoft has launched its ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 product in January. Then there is also the interest to promote Ajax as an "open" solution versus Adobe's Flash as the preferred architecture for the Web rich interface. Microsoft will have to work so that is Ajax solution respects the OpenAjax conformance specifications. As far as the battle for rich Internet interface is concerned, the winner is still to be decided, and there could be more than one. Adobe is currently presenting the alpha release of its Apollo technology. Apollo is the code name for a cross-operating system runtime that supports Flash, Flex, ActionScript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Ajax. Adobe is currently targeting the second half of 2007 for the first release of Apollo, supporting Windows and Mac OS X. Support for Linux will be added later. Adobe is trying to propose a free runtime (like for Flash or Acrobat) that will allow consistent behaviour of Adobe proprietary Web interface solutions and standard technologies. It targets both traditional Web applications and mobile devices.
Slow Developer Growth in the USA?
An Evans Data survey was discussed in an InfoWorld article "Software developer growth slows in North America". It tells us that the worldwide software developer population is expected to grow from 14.5 million now to 19.5 million in 2010. North America will account for only 18 percent of those jobs in 2010, down from 23 percent today. While the North American share of the developer work force will decrease, the Asia-Pacific share will increase to close to 45 percent from 37 percent today. The share of developers from EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) will slip from 35 percent to 30 percent. The share from Latin America will remain flat at 6 percent. The growth rate for the developer population in Asia-Pacific over the next three to five years is expected to be 15 percent, 8 to 10 percent in EMEA, but only 3 to 4 percent in North America.
A 4 percent growth rate is not bad when the overall population is growing at around one percent. In 2005, a Business Week article mentioned that recent growth rate in computer jobs was 7.5 %. If the InfoWorld article title seems negative for North America and Europe, but we should not forget that demographic trends for both regions are also signalling a slow growth of working population that starts already from a smaller base. This is the contrary of the Asia region where there are already more than 2 billion people with a younger age pyramid. If you are interested by this topic, the US Census Bureau has an interesting Web site with a database containing statistical tables of demographic data for 228 countries and areas of the world.
*** Books **************************************************************
If you liked the articles of Clive Finkelstein in our Spring 2007 issue, find more about his knowledge in the following books:
* Enterprise Architecture for Integration
This book presents a top-down approach to define an information system architecture at the enterprise level. It begins with a short presentation of the Zachman Framework that is used as the basic tool to analyse enterprise architecture. A first part is then devoted to present approaches used to express the strategy. A second part describes the techniques used to translate the strategic goals at the information system level with data and process modelling. Finally, a third part discusses current technologies and products involved to integrate applications and deploy the enterprise architecture. A CD-ROM is provided with the book. It contains problems and solutions to apply the concepts presented in the book, products information and some modelling tools.
Click here to get more details on this book or buy it on
Click here to get more details on this book or buy it on
* Building Corporate Portals with XML
After laying out the basic portal concepts, the authors move into the process of designing scalable information systems and modelling their data appropriately. The heart of the book focuses on enterprise metadata, how to define it, and how to implement it via XML. There are some concise examples of XML metadata implementation that are nestled within a discussion of the process of information analysis. Although the focus of this title is Web portals, the majority of the book does not focus on Web site interfaces. Instead, it probes deeper, offering a mile-high view of how to approach a wide-scale portal project.
Click here to get more details on this book or buy it on
Click here to get more details on this book or buy it on
*** Conferences ********************************************************
* Better Software Conference & EXPO 2007 June 18-21, Las Vegas, USA
Become a more informed software professional with an outward customer-focused view of development. Covering development lifecycle practices, the Better Software Conference & EXPO explores the latest trends in agile and plan-driven development approaches.
* ApacheCon Europe 2007 May 1-4 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Join us in Amsterdam 1-4 May 2007 at the official conference of the Apache Software Foundation! ApacheCon is the premier Open Source event, with unparalleled educational, networking, and social opportunities at all levels. SAVE up to 25% off (excluding trainings) by registering today using discount code OSSCH.
* XP Day France May 2-3 2007, Paris, France
Après le succès de l'édition 2006, la conférence XP Day France est heureuse de vous accueillir de nouveau les 2 & 3 mai 2007. Venez vous informer; rencontrer des praticiens des méthodes agiles: XP, Scrum, Crystal; et débattre de sujets concrets, organisationnels (équipes, conduite de projet) ou techniques (TDD, refactoring).
* 22nd International Practical Software Quality and Testing (PSQT) May 7-11, 2007 Las Vegas, USA
PSQT focuses on PRACTICAL software testing techniques.
- 1 Day conference with 24 Track and Feature Presentations
- 2 Keynote presentations by leading industry experts
- 4 Days with 6 Tutorials each day that will apply towards
* JavaOne(SM) Conference May 8-11, 2007 San Francisco, USA
Registration Now Open for the 2007 JavaOne(SM) Conference! Join us for the 12th annual JavaOne(SM) conference May 8-11, 2007 at The Moscone Center in San Francisco, California. You won't want to miss this year's new and expanded program. Register today and save $200! Use Priority Code J7NLMT
* Code Generation 2007 May 1820 2007, Cambridge, UK
CG2007 brings developers and leading experts in code generation tools and technologies together in a unique, participative event. Whether you’re a veteran or a novice with MDA, MDD, Software Factories, Domain-Specific Languages etc. you will benefit by participating.
* International PHP Conference 2007 May 21 23 2007, Ludwigsburg, Germany
The International PHP Community ranks among the most important gatherings of the worldwide PHP community. The conference provides the PHP community with an elaborated program and represents an important interface between PHP core developers and users. Learn all you need for your success with PHP!
* IBM Rational Software Development Conference June 10-14, Orlando, USA
Join the 2,500-plus great minds from around the world that to join in the conversation: "What Keeps Me Rational?", by attending the IBM Rational Software Development Conference, June 10-14, 2007, at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin in Orlando, Florida. This year program promises over 285 technical sessions, hands-on workshops, certification testing, inspiring and informative keynotes, technology demonstrations and a multitude of networking opportunities. For more information or to register to attend go to
* European SEPG, 11-14 June 2007, Amsterdam
The European SEPG is the largest and most authoritative event in Europe focused on current practice and thinking in process improvement models, methods and techniques that support business goals. This practical, industry-based conference aims to help systems and software professionals understand how process improvement can be utilised within their organisations: the issues, pitfalls and how to succeed. It also brings together the industry leaders and practitioners to discuss new ideas, approaches and experience-based results.
* XP 2007 June 18-22 2007, Como, Italy
XP 2007, the leading world event on the topics of Agile software development, will be held in Como (Italy) on June 18-22, 2007. It offers a unique forum for executives, managers, software practitioners and researchers from labs and academia to meet together and discuss their needs and new ideas regarding agile development methods, practices, and tools.
* SOAWorld Conference 2007 + Enterprise Open Source Conference
June 25-27, 2007 New York, USA
The SOAWorld Conference & Expo 2007, co-located with the Enterprise Open Source Conference and the first Virtualization Conference, will take place on June 25-27, 2007 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, together delivering the #1 i-technology educational and networking opportunity of the year. Register Now and Save!
Register as a Methods & Tools reader with coupon code "mtgold" and get a $50 discount on Golden Pass
* Real-World Java Seminar August 13, 2007, New York USA
The Real-World Java Seminar is a one-day event that's packed with technical presentations delivered by the Java industry experts. Attending this event will allow you to take a fresh look at the architecture of your the projects you're working on now, and can serve as a roadmap for your further development as a Java professional. Register Now!
Register as a Methods & Tools reader with coupon code "mtgold" and get a $50 discount on Golden Pass
* Agile 2007, August 13-17, 2007, Washington DC, USA
The Agile 2007 conference is for any individual or organization interested in succeeding with Agile in the areas of software development, leadership, team development, education or research. Learn on how to successfully implement Agile methods by choosing from hundreds of practical, interactive sessions led by Agile thought leaders, experts and developers.
* SDL Forum September 18-21 2007, Paris, France
"The SDL Forum is held every 2 years and is one of the most important events in the calendar for anyone involved in System Design Languages and modelling technologies. It is the primary conference event where the evolution and use of these languages is discussed. The 13th SDL Forum will be held during the third week of September 2007 in Paris."
* AJAXWorld Conference & Expo 2007 September 24-26, 2007 Santa Clara CA, USA
On September 24-26, 2007 over 1,000 developers, architects, IT managers, and software professionals of every stripe will be converging in Santa Clara, CA to attend the West coast AJAXWorld Conference & Expo -- the most comprehensive meeting on the most significant technology subjects of recent times: AJAX, Rich Internet Apps & Web 2.0. Register Now & Save!
Register as a Methods & Tools reader with coupon code "mtgold" and get a $50 discount on Golden Pass
*** M&T News ***********************************************************
* New Software Development Tools Directory
A new directory of tools related to software development has been launched on
Please feel free to use it in you next research and to contribute with your tools. RSS feed for new tools
* Future Issues of Methods & Tools
In future issues, you will find articles on:
- TDD for Embedded Software
- What's Wrong with Agile Approaches
- Evaluating Web Testing Tools
- Personal Quality Management
- Software Factories
- Requirements for Outsourcing
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Copyright (C) 2007, Martinig & Associates
Methods & Tools Software Testing Magazine The Scrum Expert |