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Methods & Tools - December 2018
Sharing global software development expertise since 1993
=== Sponsor ===
TimeShiftX – Travel in Time, Test with Ease
TimeShiftX lets you time travel your software stack into the future or past to temporal test all date and time sensitive functionality and code such as year-end, daylight savings, leap year, billing, policies, etc. Employ instant time travel inside Active Directory & Kerberos without code changes, manual work, or server isolation. TimeShiftX is multi-platform, cloud compatible, and supports all applications and databases.
*** Updates ***
Last Articles Published on Methods & Tools Website
ER/Builder - Free Database Modeling & Schema Generation ER/Builder is a free visual tool for database modeling and schema generation using an entity relationship (ER) approach. It offers also a reverse engineering feature for some databases. The currently supported databases are Oracle, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, MySQL,MariaDB, Interbase and Firebird. Read more...
*** From The Archives ***
Articles from Methods & Tools' Archives
How to Make Your Culture Work with Agile, Kanban & Software Craftsmanship To be successful, we need to start thinking about Agile as a culture and not as a product or family of processes. This article start with the introduction of a model for culture that can be used to understand culture at your company. The following sections explain the unique cultures of Agile, Kanban, and Software Craftsmanship. The last section provides a playbook so that you can assess how well a particular approach fits with your company's culture. Read more...
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Methods & Tools
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*** Quote of the Month ***
Despite that fact that architects and developers know that tight coupling leads to increased complexity, we experience large object models growing out of control on an almost daily basis. In practice, this leads to performance problems and lack of transactional integrity. There are many reasons why this happens: the inherent complexity of the real world, which has few clear boundaries; insufficient programming language support for dynamic multi-object grouping; and weak design practices.
Source: Einar Landre in “97 Things Every Programmer Should Know – Extended”, Shirish Padalkar,
=== Web Sponsors ===
This month, the Methods & Tools website is supported by Software Testing Magazine and Scrum Expert. We thank them for their support.
*** Software Development Linkopedia ***
Text: The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals
Text: Software Engineering Productivity: Perception, Reality, and Fallacies
Text: What is a Product Backlog for, anyway?
Text: Technical Debt and Product Success
Text: Organization 3.0 – Achieving a Modern Agile Organization
Text: Improving Metrics With Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Text: Optimizing for iteration speed
Text: UX Debt: How to Identify, Prioritize, and Resolve
Video: Avoiding Stress Driven Development
Video: Long Live To Monolith Architecture
Video: Product Roadmap Inspired by Users
Video: The Folly of Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Video: Leading Within
Video: Software Testing Gone Wrong
Video: The Best Agile and Scrum Videos on YouTube – Part 1 Conferences
Tools: Jeddict is an open source Jakarta EE application development platform that accelerates developers productivity and simplifies development tasks of creating complex entity relationship models. Using it developers can create JPA class, visualize & modify Database and automates Java EE 8 code generation. The Jeddict provides forward & reverse engineering capabilities, import models from existing database, generate complex SQL/DDL and much more.
Tools: CodeceptJS is a modern end to end testing framework with a special BDD-style syntax. The test is written as a linear scenario of user’s action on a site. Tests are expected to be written in ECMAScript 7.
*** Promoted Software Development Conferences ***
AgentConf, 21-24 January 2019, Spielboden Dornbirn, Austria
Devnexus, March 6-8 2019, Atlanta, USA, March 21-22 2019, London, UK
VueConf.US, March 25-27 2019, Tampa, USA
deliver:Agile, April 29-May 1 2019, 2019 Nashville TN, USA
Big Apple Scrum Day, May 10 2019, New York, USA
XP 2019, May 21-25 2019, Montreal, Canada
ACE! Agile Central Europe, May 23-24 2019, Krakow, Poland
Agile Alliance Agile2019, August 5-9 2019, Washington DC, USA
Contact us if you want your software development conference promoted here.
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Methods & Tools Software Testing Magazine The Scrum Expert |