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Methods & Tools - January 2019
Sharing global software development expertise since 1993
=== Sponsor ===
TimeShiftX – Travel in Time, Test with Ease
TimeShiftX lets you time travel your software into the future or past to temporal test date and time sensitive functionality and code such as year-end, daylight savings, billing, and policies. Employ instant time travel inside Active Directory & Kerberos without changing system clocks, editing code, or isolating servers. TimeShiftX is multi-platform, cloud & container compatible, and supports all applications and databases.
*** Updates ***
Last Articles Published on Methods & Tools Website
Archi – Open Source Enterprise and Software Architecture Modeling Archi is a free open source modeling tool to create IT and software architecture models using the ArchiMate modelling language. This is an open and independent Enterprise Architecture standard that supports the description, analysis and visualization of architecture within and across business domains. Read more...
*** From The Archives ***
Articles from Methods & Tools' Archives
How to Choose Quality Candidates or Consultants for Your Large Company Agile Initiative We created this set of questions to help corporate managers select Agile-experienced consultants and candidate employees for project work. Assembling a team of qualified Agile people is one thing, but the fact that some Agile practices and principles mean different things to different people makes it even harder to succeed in staffing your initiatives. A consultant or potential employee who has great Agile experience in small product companies may be exactly the wrong type of person to help you inside a large corporation. An Agile evangelist from a small product company may actually be horrified by some of the compromises that are absolutely necessary in your large company environment. We developed this questionnaire to make those distinctions. Read more...
=== Sponsor ===
Leveraging Open Source Tools for DevSecOps—Thursday, January 31
Join Coveros CEO Jeffery Payne and CTO Tom Stiehm for an engaging discussion on how open source security tools can be used effectively in a DevOps pipeline. In this free one-hour web seminar, participants will learn how to leverage open source security tools, how to shift security left, as well as some pragmatic best practices for implementing DevSecOps capabilities within large organizations.
Space is limited—secure your spot today.
*** Quote of the Month ***
Before agile many companies and teams considered a three month release cycle as aggressive, an annual release was more common. Agile started to ask teams to make fortnightly releases, or at the very least be able to release every two weeks. Being releasable was more important than actual releasing because staying at a releasable standard forced teams to keep a high technical standard and thus gave options to the business customers.
The best digital teams have now accelerated far beyond every two week. The Guardian newspaper in London commonly releases several thousand times a week and releases on average every 11 seconds.
A release every two weeks still looks like an impossible challenge to an average team – typically one working inside some large corporation. But for the best teams a two week gap between releases looks like an eternity.
The link between a project end date and a software release is well an truly broken. The parameters of date, scope and quality at the heart of the project model are managed completely differently.
Source: "Continuous Digital - An agile alternative to projects", Allan Kelly,
=== Web Sponsors ===
This month, the Methods & Tools website is supported by Software Testing Magazine and Scrum Expert. We thank them for their support.
*** Software Development Linkopedia ***
Text: Chaos Engineering: the history, principles, and practice
Text: The Two Traits of the Best Problem-Solving Teams
Text: Mocks or the real thing? Tips for better unit testing
Text: Sprints, marathons and root canals
Text: Why your programmers just want to code
Text: Applying the Prime Directive beyond the retrospective
Text: The 90% agreement rule
Text: Spreading Tribal Knowledge in Scrum Teams with History Lines
Video: Enterprise Architecture = Architecting the Enterprise?
Video: Docker Tips and Tricks for Java Developers
Video: Pragmatic Guide to Functional Geekery
Video: Doing Agile Without Anyone Realizing It
Video: Staying Sane While Testing the Hard Stuff
Video: Agile Team Building Mechanics
Tools: GanttProject is a free project scheduling and management app for Windows, OSX and Linux. GanttProject is written in Java and features Gantt chart, resource management, calendaring, import/export (MS Project, HTML, PDF, spreadsheets).
Tools: Modelio is an open source modeling environment supporting the main standards: UML, BPMN, MDA, SysML, etc. Modelio delivers a broad-focused range of standards-based functionalities for software developers, analysts, designers, business architects and system architects.
*** Promoted Software Development Conferences ***
AgentConf, 21-24 February 2019, Spielboden Dornbirn, Austria
Devnexus, March 6-8 2019, Atlanta, USA, March 21-22 2019, London, UK
DevOps Week, March 25-29, 2019, Washington DC, USA
VueConf.US, March 25-27 2019, Tampa, USA
STAREAST Testing Conference, April 28–May 3, 2019, Orlando, FL, USA
deliver:Agile, April 29-May 1 2019, 2019 Nashville TN, USA
Big Apple Scrum Day, May 10 2019, New York, USA
XP 2019, May 21-25 2019, Montreal, Canada
ACE! Agile Central Europe, May 23-24 2019, Krakow, Poland
Agile Alliance Agile2019, August 5-9 2019, Washington DC, USA
Contact us if you want your software development conference promoted here. Find more upcoming conferences on,,
Methods & Tools Software Testing Magazine The Scrum Expert |