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Methods & Tools - Text Edition - November 2012
=== Sponsor ===
Evolution of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has been both widely praised as a modern and agile approach to software development and infrastructure architecture and dismissed as a colossal waste of time and money. The key challenge for companies is to determine how to best enable SOA within their organizations. Learn how a “bottom-up” approach enables organizations to implement SOA with lower upfront investment and risk.
Receive Your Complimentary White Paper NOW! (registration required)
*** News ***
Software Testing for Mobile Apps Survey
As mobile computing is becoming more and more important in software development, XBOSoft is organizing a survey to assess the state of software testing and quality assurance for mobile apps. The purpose of this survey is to collect data on how different QA organizations conduct mobile testing and QA and to analyze and present this data so organizations can compare their own mobile QA efforts with industry standards and best practices. This short survey includes 20 questions and should take only 5-10 minutes of your time. Participants will be able to receive a report of the survey and get a chance to win a gift card. Go to
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=== Sponsor ===
Transitioning to Agile: Amplifying Traditional Approaches with Agile Technology
Discover why Agile pays and why you should change now to propel your project, your people and your business in building a successful Agile application delivery. Highly successful Agile teams take advantage of an enabling new breed of technology to shorten the delivery cycles and increase software development agility. Request Your Free White Paper (registration required)
*** Numbers ***
Software Maintenance Survey
Our current poll: What part of your software development budget is devoted to maintenance (enhancing deployed software)? Go to our web site to participate and to see intermediate results.
*** Jobs ***
Featured Jobs
Manager- Web Analytics, Online Testing and Optimization, Target, Minneapolis, MN
Lead Software Engineer, SuccessFactors, Bangalore, India - $1,000 Referral Reward
Java Engineer, SuccessFactors Shanghai, China - $1,000 Referral Reward
Find more than 195 developer, project manager and software tester jobs on SoftDevJobs.coms
Posting of jobs is free. If your company is recruiting in the software development field, do not hesitate to use this board. Get them featured in this newsletter for only $95
*** Linkopedia ***
Software Development Linkopedia November 2012
Web site: UML Design Patterns for Visual Studio
Blog: Why code reviews are good for you
Blog: How To Lead High-Performance Distributed Teams
Blog: Software Testing is a Game
Blog: What’s the Culture on Your Project?
Article: Rules to Successful Projects
Article: Who Should I Listen To? Prioritizing Organizational Stakeholders
Article: Logging Bugs on Mobile Applications Testing
Article: Agile Project Wall Estimation
Article: 21 Methods to Engage and Retain Your Product Owner in an Agile Project (PDF)
Tools: JSHint is a tool to detect errors in JavaScript
Tools: TFS Integration Platform
Video: Moving from Scrum to Kanban
Video: Deleting Code Is Hard And You Should Do It
Video: Unit Testing Patterns With Mocks and Fakes
Video: 7 Things How to Make Good Teams Great
Video: Java Continuous Delivery
Find more interesting links on the software development directory, the software development tools web site, the software development articles web site, the software development blogs or the software development videos web site.
=== Sponsored Knowledge ===
Oracle Magazine contains technology strategy articles, sample code, tips for developers and DBAs. (Registration required)
Create native iOS and Android apps with the open-source Appcelerator Titanium. (Registration required)
Free White Paper: Bulletproof .NET Code: A Practical Strategy for Developing Functional, Reliable, and Secure .NET Code! (Registration required)
*** Books ***
Experiences of Test Automation
The unique selling proposition of this book is that each chapter is the story of a personal journey through a test automation effort, with its good and bad days. One of my favorite chapters describes the effort to automate the tests at a vendor of software testing tools.
Read the complete review of Experiences of Test Automation
Reference: “Experiences of Test Automation – Case Studies of Software Test Automation”, Dorothy Graham and Mark Fewster, Addison-Wesley, 605 pages, IBSN 978-0321754066
Get more details on this book or buy it on
Get more details on this book or buy it on
*** Quote of the Month ***
Tools and machines are great, but in the end, it is the people who matter. Putting together an effective automated test team requires lots of planning and skills.
Source: Experiences of Test Automation – Case Studies of Software Test Automation, Dorothy Graham and Mark Fewster, Addison-Wesley
*** Conferences ***
XP Days Benelux, November 29-30 2012, Heeze, The Netherlands
jDays, December 3-5 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden
Android DevCon IV, December 4-7 2012, San Francisco, USA
SPTechCon, March 3-6 2013, San Francisco, USA
STARCANADA, April 8–12 2013, Toronto, Canada
Big Data TechCon, April 8-10 2013, Boston, USA
ICSE 2013, May 18-26 2013, San Francisco, USA
Android DevCon Spring, May 28-31 2013, Boston, USA
Find more software development conferences*** Our News ***
Methods & Tools Article Pipeline
In our future quarterly PDF issues, you will find articles on:
* Mobile Apps Performance Testing
* Data Management Tools for Embedded Applications
* Test Driven Traps
* Facilitating Agile Meetings
* Distributed Software Testing Teams
* Portofino
* JsHint
* Concordion+
* NoSQL Unit
Methods & Tools Software Testing Magazine The Scrum Expert |