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Methods & Tools - Spring 2002

Understanding the Unified Process

Software Process Improvement: Assessing Readiness for Process Improvement

WebSite Mapping

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Sinan Si Alhir Learning the UML
Learning UML introduces UML and places it in perspective, then leads you through an orderly progress towards mastery of the language. You'll begin by learning how UML is used to model the structure of a system. Many key UML concepts, especially that of the general (classes) versus the specific (objects), are illustrated in the chapter on class and object diagrams. Next, you'll learn how to use use-case diagrams to model the functionality of a system. Finally, you'll see how component and deployment diagrams are used to model the way in which a system is deployed in a physical environment
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Sinan Si Alhir Uml in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (Nutshell Handbook)
The Unified Modeling Language (UML), for the first time in the history of systems engineering, gives practitioners a common language. This concise quick reference explains how to use each component of the language, including its extension mechanisms and the Object Constraint Language (OCL)
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Sinan Si Alhir Guide to Applying the UML
"Guide to Applying the UML" offers a practical bridge between tutorials and reference works, demonstrating how all of the elements of the UML fit together holistically and cohesively. It closes the gap between the UML and process using a "roadmap" that addresses the key decision points and their relationships, providing a comprehensive framework. The focus is on rules of usage and principles of composition, style guidelines, practical real-world examples, and a tool-, process-, and technology-independent roadmap for effectively and successfully applying the UML.
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