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Methods & Tools - Text Edition - August 2013
=== Sponsor ===
Agile Across the Board - Agile Business Conference London 9-10 October 2013
Exploring Agile as the mature and inclusive approach for the management, development and delivery of projects and products in any sector from any culture. There will be keynotes, interactive sessions, workshops and presentations, so come along and meet experts, learn from and share practical experiences and network with other professionals. Register NOW!
*** News ***
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=== Sponsor ===
Code Review Like A Boss!
Klocwork Cahoots is a flexible and easy-to-use code review tool that simplifies the review process by removing the overhead and complexity found in other tools. Designed for development teams of all sizes, Cahoots fits in the developer workflow to ensure code reviews are fast and effective. Download a 30-day product trial today.
*** Numbers ***
Do you deploy your software applications in the Cloud?
Our current poll: Does your organization host its software applications on a cloud infrastructure? Go to our web site to participate and to see intermediate results.
*** Jobs ***
Featured Jobs
Senior DBA, Silver Bear Technologies, Stuttgart, Germany
Senior Software Engineer, Target, San Francisco, CA
Senior Applications Developer Adecco, Trumbull, CT
Find more than 175 developer, project manager and software tester jobs on SoftDevJobs.coms
Posting of jobs is free. If your company is recruiting in the software development field, do not hesitate to use this board. Get them featured in this newsletter for only $95
=== Sponsored Knowledge ===
Notes to a Software Team Leader: a Free eBook for software team leaders, architects and anyone with a leadership role in the software business. Receive Your Complimentary eBook NOW! (Registration required)
Software Testing Magazine - improve your testing expertise with articles, tutorials and videos - Resources for ScrumMasters, Product Owners and Agile Developers
*** Books ***
Managing the Unmanageable
The book “Managing the Unmanageable” starts with the observation that software development projects have always difficulties to be successful, which might explain the title of this book. The authors share in it some techniques and approaches to improve this situation, based on their long experience as software development managers in large companies like Apple, Pixar or Sony.
Read the complete review of Managing the Unmanageable
Reference: Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams, Mickey W. Mantle, Ron Lichty, Addison-Wesley, 450 pages, IBSN 978-0321822031
Get more details on this book or buy it on
Get more details on this book or buy it on
*** Linkopedia ***
Software Development Linkopedia August 2013
Blog: T-Shaped Testers and their role in a team
Blog: Experience Report: Pairing with a Programmer
Blog: Cumulative Flow Diagram
Blog: User Stories Ain't Requirements
Article: How to Form Teams in Large-Scale Scrum?
Article: Getting Started with .NET Development Using C#
Article: Using Mocks and Stubs in PHPUnit
Tools: 2-plan – integrated project management software
Tools: should.js - BDD style assertions for node.js
Video: Essentials of Product Development
Video: People Build Systems Build People
Video: Where Bad Code Comes From
Video: 55 New Features in Java SE 8
Video: Advanced Validation Techniques with Entity Framework
Find more interesting links on the software development directory, the software development tools web site, the software development articles web site, the software development blogs or the software development videos web site.
*** Quote of the Month ***
The single most important job of a programming manager is to hire the right people.
Source: Managing the Unmanageable, Mickey W. Mantle, Ron Lichty, Addison-Wesley
*** Conferences ***
MobileTech Conference, September 2-5, Berlin, Germany
Agile On The Beach, 5-6 September 2013, Falmouth Cornwall UK
NoSQL Roadshow, September 19 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
Get a 15% discount on the conference price using the promo code: METHODSTOOLS15
Business Analysis for Organisational Success, September 19 2013, London, UK
Digital Transformation and Change Management, September 19 2013, London, UK
Enterprise Architecture and Its Application, September 19 2013, London, UK
STARWEST 2013 September 29 - October 4 2013, Anaheim, USA
Mention promo code S13VW for an additional $200 off
Agile Business Conference, October 9-10 2013, London, UK
Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, October 14-16 2013, Portland, USA
Jazoon, October 22-23 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
TestExpo Transforming Testing: Identifying Solutions that Work, October 24 2013, London, UK
International PHP Conference, October 27-30, Munich, Germany
WebTech Conference, October 27-30, Munich, Germany
JAX, November 4-8, Munich, Germany
Better Software Conference East, November 10–15, 2013, Boston, USA
mention promo code MHCE for an additional $200 off
Agile Development Conference East, November 10–15, 2013, Boston, USA
Android DevCon West, November 12-15 2013, San Francisco
Receive a $100 discount off either the 4-day or 3-day pass with the code MEDIASPONSOR
DevOps Summit: Implementing DevOps, November 14 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands
SEPG Europe Conference, November 14-15 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Find more software development conferences
*** Our News ***
Methods & Tools Article Pipeline
In our future quarterly PDF issues, you will find articles on:
* Scrum and Risk Management
* Agile Learning
* Agile Software Architecture Sketches
* Software Craftmanship
* Use the Debugger, Stupid!
* Toyota Kata
* UX Runway and Scrum
* Zuchinni
* GVM (Groovy enVironment Manager)
* Project Open
* TerraER
* UnQLite
* Karma Testrunner
* Selenide
* Portofino
* CodernityDB
Methods & Tools Software Testing Magazine The Scrum Expert |